We all learn things by following the example of others. For example, if you want to be good at a sport, you watch someone who is good at it and follow their example. Maybe they'll tell you how they are doing something, or what exactly they are doing, but you have to then try it. The first time, you won't do it well. The second time you won't do it well, but the more you try, and the more you watch the other people, the better you'll get at it and the easier it will get.
For example, learning to walk. As a baby, nobody told you how to walk. You watched other people for about a year, then started trying yourself. At first, someone held you up and helped you. Then, you fell over. So, you tried again. Soon, you could walk, but very badly, and you kept falling over and crashing into things. But, you kept trying and kept watching other people. Now, you have had so much practice that you are an expert walker. You can walk easily without even thinking about it.
Learning English is exactly the same. When you try something, it's wrong, or not very good. But you try again, keep practising, and watch the people who are good at it (and listen to them...). Eventually, it becomes easier and you get better at it.
Everyone can learn to walk, and everyone can learn to speak English. :-)
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