Monday, 26 April 2010

Vote results

Thanks to everyone who voted.

It was an overwhelming victory for 'speaking', so we hope you get lots of chance to practise.

Look out for a new poll soon.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Weekly idioms

This week, idioms with the word 'rain'...

Take a rain check

Come rain or shine

Rain on someone's parade

Right as rain


Google sets

Do you want to increase your vocabulary?

Here's one way: Go to Google sets and type in a few words related to a set (e.g. fridge, oven, microwave for a set of kitchen vocabulary), then click the button and make a set of new words. You can then click on a word to get some internet links or see them in Google images, or look up any new words in a dictionary (like the one on the left of this page...)


Here's our set from the above words (you can get 'large' sets, too). You can post any interesting ones you find in the comments.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

News story

This interesting news story appeared in the paper today. What do you think? (Any words you don't know you can check in the dictionary on the left).

How does it feel to be so famous? You can also check the story for language - what tenses are used? Can you see any passive voice? Relative clauses? Different ways of saying 'say'?

Actually, we tricked you - it didn't really appear in the paper... we wrote it here:

You can write your own stories and send them to your friends, or post them in the comments below for everyone to read.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Vote results

Thanks for voting - these are the results:

Grammar / vocab Q&A 45%
Study tips 39%
Articles to read 30%
Thoughts from teachers 30%
News about IH 24%
Word of the week 15%

So, we'll try to include regular grammar and vocabulary items, and ideas for study (such as the links to useful websites already posted) and occasional extra fun things.

Thanks, and please now vote in the new poll. You only have a couple of weeks... :-)